Friday, 6 February 2015

Superwoman & Superman.

Today is a special day because it's my mother's birthday! We never really celebrate my parents' birthday because they always tell us it's not a big deal and as I grow older, I get what they mean but I also learn how much we have to treasure our time with them. I know it's my mother's birthday but I wanted to take this time to talk about both my parents. I love them so much. And as I get to spend more time with them, I ask them questions about their life and what they've done for us. It has made me really appreciate my parents even more than before. My parents never boast about what they've done for us which is very admirable. During my internship, I learned how great my mom is because some of my colleagues actually know her through her reputation. My mom has done so many great things and she never once boasted about it to her children when she could easily have done so. I asked her one night, "Why don't you show off your success?" and she told me she didn't feel like she had to.

As a kid, teenager and now a young adult, I've always liked attention. I'm not naive and ignorant so I know when I've gone overboard and trust me, I have. Sometimes, it's really shameless and embarrassing that I just tell myself to stop and think about what I'm doing. I look up to my parents and not just how much they've done for us but also, their qualities as a human being. I don't want to have this urge to show off or seek attention. It's a pretty common thing in my generation and I can't deny that. With all these social media websites/apps, it's so easy to want to seek attention from strangers or friends. You always find this need to satisfy people just to get more "likes". & don't be fooled, what I'm saying is true. I know people who plan out when to upload their Instagram photos to get more "likes" and at first, I thought it was ridiculous but soon I got sucked into it as well. Now, I don't care when or what I post. I'm not saying that people who do this are wrong because their photos are truly amazing and maybe it is a smart thing to do because more people will get to see your photo during a certain hour and you're just taking advantage of that.

Continuing with my topic, so why superwoman and superman? Because those words really describe my parents. I'm a pretty emotional person and whenever I find out what they've done for us secretly, I always get teary eyed. I don't know how they manage to love us so much but I'm so grateful that they do. I've seen so many of my friends parents getting divorce and leaving their children and I can never imagine being in that position. All the hardships they had to go through for us and all the things they couldn't have because they had to raise us is just a small part of what they had to endure in their life. I will be forever be grateful to them. I'm sure most people feel this way about their parents :). It's hard to express how much I love them because it's unexplainable. I'm just glad I got to live this life with them.

Ahh on a less emotional note, I baked cookies today! Perfecting my chewy chocolate chips & cornflakes cookies! I'm pretty proud of them~


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