Saturday, 7 February 2015

Youtube Channel

It's 1046pm and I am contemplating whether to create a Youtube channel this week. What brought this up, you ask? Well a few factors:

  1. I've always fantasized about creating a Youtube channel
    Have you? I used to always think my hyper and cheerful personality would be perfect for it but I knew that it required a huge commitment just like everything else. 
  2. Always wanted to Vlog about my life. Not on a daily basis but just the special occasions because I love sharing my experiences with people. 
  3. Instagram was getting boring
    Pictures are fun and all but sometimes you just want to say more than a thousand words (get it?)
  4. My best friend is creating her own channel
    She was the one who actually pushed me to do it. She told me about all the exciting stuff we could do together and basically just cheered me on from there.
 What is preventing me from going forward with it? 
  1.  Time commitment
    I know it takes a lot of time to edit videos and I'm worried I'll just give up half way because I can't commit to it.
    Youtubers always talk about how their haters and most of them brush them off. It'll be a bumpy ride but it'll make me a stronger person.
  3. My camera
    I tried to take a video once with my current camera and the quality was pretty bad. I'm trying to work with what I have right now so we'll see how it goes. 
  4. The fear
    Honestly, I think number 1 - 3 are just excuses, I'm just scared. Scared of what? I don't know.. maybe the public. But I'll never get to it if I don't push myself so I will give this a try. I'll never know until I try, right? :)

What kind of Youtube channel am I going to make? 

You know how people say, "Do a new thing everyday"? Well that will be the theme of my Youtube channel, I want to challenge myself to do a new thing. Whether it's on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, it doesn't matter. I'll give myself a year and see how it goes from there. The channel will make me challenge myself more and experience new things. I'm hoping it'll make my year more fruitful &  it's not just narrowed down to this, I might do other random stuff like take part in the Youtube tags. I'm really into OOTDs so maybe I'll do a "Get Ready with Me" video one day as well! Basically, I want my Youtube channel to be open and not restricted to just challenges. I'm getting so excited just thinking about it!

What will happen to this blog? Will I make it public? 

I'm not sure about that right now. But for now, I'm going to keep this blog on a down low. Most of my friends don't even know I've started blogging again. I want to see if I attract people I don't know tho I'm not sure how I'm going to do that! Maybe by chance? Is that a little too hopeful?


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