Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Challenge 2: Normal Crop Top

Hey guys! Been awhile, hasn't it? I've been so busy these past few days because of Chinese New Year but I'll leave that for another post! So I was challenged to make NORMAL crop tops and to make several outfits with it by Jolie Lee. She specifically asked to match the crop tops with low waisted jeans (which is a challenge itself because most people wear crop tops with high waisted pants/skirt). She is my first commenter and I'm so grateful for this challenge. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to make a video (CNY + moving house in Melbourne) because I'm trying to accommodate the fact that she wants to get ready for a party tomorrow :) Even though I did this in a short period of time, I hope you enjoy it !


I managed to find a top I was bored off in my luggage bag. I'm currently in Melbourne so I don't have access to my whole wardrobe!

  1. Choose a shirt you're willing to cut!
  2. Fold the shirt according to the length you want your crop top to be.
  3. Cut accordingly with a scissors.
  4. Tug the ends to widen it.
  5. TA-DA! Your very own crop top!
It's a pretty easy process to make a normal crop top!


I apologise for the lighting! It wasn't at its best because I had a meeting to attend so I only could start taking pictures at 7pm (AUS time) today! Even though the pictures didn't turn out well (hella pixelated), I still decided to post the photos to give you guys a glimpse on how the outfit will look like on me. I tried to filter it out as much as I could but filters can only do so much!

- Lace crop top (Creates abit of umph! to the plain crop top!)
- Pink diamante ear rings (Create a great contrast to the blue!)
- Wedges (Feel free to use your highest pumps if you're going to a party that doesn't require much walking!)

- Tying my blue blouse around my waist (For those who are abit insecure about your tummy fats, this is a perfect way to hide them!)
- Sandals (Just to match the casual look)

- Wearing my black and white blouse over it
- Black and silver statement necklace (Just to add to the rocker chick vibe)
- Brown boots (Enough of black! Needs a bit of brown to tone it down!)

- Wearing the lace crop top underneath (You just turned a boring crop top into something special!)
- Bangles
- Brown Boots ( Feel free to wear flats or heels cause this look matches all of it!)

And that is it! There are millions of ways to mix and match your crop tops so just explore your options! This was all I could concoct in such a short period of time!

On a different note, I'm currently waiting for my apartment lease to start and till then, my friend has been so lovely to let me stay at her place till I settle down. It's my first time filming in her house (living area + kitchen) so I'm getting used to the lighting especially since I'm in Melbourne and I'm not used to the lighting just yet because I've only filmed in Malaysia so far!

If you have any suggestions, do comment below!

If you would like to see the oufits I created with different fringe tops, press the link below:

Challenge 1: Fringe Crop Top 

If you would likes to see my CNY outfits this year, press the link below:


Talk to you guys soon!


Monday, 16 February 2015

Video: Challenge 1: Fringe Crop Top


It has been out for 3 days now and I've been receiving so much positive feedback. Such a great start to the Youtube life :)!

As you guys know, the whole theme of my Youtube channel is to challenge myself and I've received a total of 4 challenges so far:

  1. Muhd Iylia - Cook authentic Malay food
  2. Jovie Lee Fok Lee - Make normal crop tops + match it w low waist jeans
  3. Huang Paik Ling - Cook authentic Indian food
  4. Jiyin Low - Do nail art

Thank you everyone for your challenge requests so far! I can't wait to try them out tho I'm pretty unsure of myself for some of the challenges but that's the whole point, right? To overcome it~

If you haven't checked out my video, click on the link below!
Please do support me by subscribing to my channel!

Don't forget to #challengetsw if you have any challenges you want me to do! Thanks for watching!

Challenge 1: Fringe Crop Top

You can obviously see how big of a F.R.I.E.N.D.S fan I am from my tabs.


Monday, 9 February 2015

Fringe Crop Tops

Yesterday, I decided to pimp up my old tops so I would actually start wearing them again and so I did! I love the end product and I can't wait to experiment more! :) I'm definitely going forth w the YouTube idea so I'm planning to take a video of the process tomorrow and hopefully upload it by this week! I'm so excited 😁! Do support me! 

Here's a glimpse of the tops I've pimped up! 

1. Transformed my Bermuda Eagles top (from the guy's section) to a fringe crop top 😊
I actually bought this top for my OBS (outward bound Singapore) trip 5 years ago!

2. Mum got me this too for CNY 4 years ago. I decided to take it up a notch by adding a few bling from a bracelet I do not wear anymore! 

Going to make a sleeveless crop top tomorrow for the video! Hoping the lighting will be good! Tata~


Sunday, 8 February 2015

Glorious Durian Coffee

This post needs no explanation. 

Weekly Sunday Yoga

It's 858am & I just finished my yoga session w Cas. Every Sunday, my dad, mom, aunt, cousin & I have a yoga session at my house at 7am. 

I've come a long way since I started last December. I'm starting to really love yoga. I just feel so refreshed after the session and makes me feel like I'm starting the day right ☺️! Next week is my last session before I head back to Melbourne so I'm pretty bummed out but I plan to continue yoga at Unimelb. I'm terrified because I'm still a beginner but I'm pretty sure they'll still cater to beginners. Everyone has to start somewhere, right? ✌️


Saturday, 7 February 2015

Youtube Channel

It's 1046pm and I am contemplating whether to create a Youtube channel this week. What brought this up, you ask? Well a few factors:

  1. I've always fantasized about creating a Youtube channel
    Have you? I used to always think my hyper and cheerful personality would be perfect for it but I knew that it required a huge commitment just like everything else. 
  2. Always wanted to Vlog about my life. Not on a daily basis but just the special occasions because I love sharing my experiences with people. 
  3. Instagram was getting boring
    Pictures are fun and all but sometimes you just want to say more than a thousand words (get it?)
  4. My best friend is creating her own channel
    She was the one who actually pushed me to do it. She told me about all the exciting stuff we could do together and basically just cheered me on from there.
 What is preventing me from going forward with it? 
  1.  Time commitment
    I know it takes a lot of time to edit videos and I'm worried I'll just give up half way because I can't commit to it.
    Youtubers always talk about how their haters and most of them brush them off. It'll be a bumpy ride but it'll make me a stronger person.
  3. My camera
    I tried to take a video once with my current camera and the quality was pretty bad. I'm trying to work with what I have right now so we'll see how it goes. 
  4. The fear
    Honestly, I think number 1 - 3 are just excuses, I'm just scared. Scared of what? I don't know.. maybe the public. But I'll never get to it if I don't push myself so I will give this a try. I'll never know until I try, right? :)

What kind of Youtube channel am I going to make? 

You know how people say, "Do a new thing everyday"? Well that will be the theme of my Youtube channel, I want to challenge myself to do a new thing. Whether it's on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, it doesn't matter. I'll give myself a year and see how it goes from there. The channel will make me challenge myself more and experience new things. I'm hoping it'll make my year more fruitful &  it's not just narrowed down to this, I might do other random stuff like take part in the Youtube tags. I'm really into OOTDs so maybe I'll do a "Get Ready with Me" video one day as well! Basically, I want my Youtube channel to be open and not restricted to just challenges. I'm getting so excited just thinking about it!

What will happen to this blog? Will I make it public? 

I'm not sure about that right now. But for now, I'm going to keep this blog on a down low. Most of my friends don't even know I've started blogging again. I want to see if I attract people I don't know tho I'm not sure how I'm going to do that! Maybe by chance? Is that a little too hopeful?


Pre-roommate Experience

OMG I'm so excited right now! I woke up at 7am (Malaysian time) because my friend in Melbourne was inspecting a place at 10am (Australian time). It was all down to this. If this place didn't work out then we promised that we will all go our separate ways (what I mean by that is that we will live separately). I'm so happy that the place turned out much better than we expected and that we actually have a chance in getting it. It's a good location, good level & have good facilities too! I'm just so ecstatic I get to move in w my two friends. I've never gone through the whole roommate experience even though I've been living overseas for 5 years now so I'm excited!!!!!!! Evidently from the number of exclamation marks I'm using. I know it'll be a thrill ride having roommates. Will definitely have our ups and our downs. Just praying it's more ups than downs but I'm sure we will work things out. Gonna set ground rules with them as soon as our application gets accepted :)! Will defo update on the ground rules! I'm going to go back to sleep now. I've been having morbid dreams lately but I'll leave that for another post.


Friday, 6 February 2015


Ever clicked on a video and told yourself not to scroll down to see the comments because it'll just sway your thoughts on the video itself? Well I have. Honestly, comments have really taught me how to become judgmental and negative. People can be really mean and it's just shocking to see how much hatred comes out from these people.

For example, I watch itsjudyslife on a monthly basis and I've seen people torment poor Benji in almost every video. He could've done the sweetest thing any guy could've done for his girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband and still get criticized for it. I mean I'm well aware noone is perfect and these people are vlogging everyday and I really mean.. EVERYday. You can't expect them to be in tip top shape every single day. I mean we all have our moody weeks and we aren't perfect human beings but yet these commenters expect Benji and Judy to become this perfect couple that doesn't even exist in the real world. They are already such a great couple and such a loving family but there are still commenters who find the tiniest things to criticize them about. I stopped looking at Youtube comments every since then because it just clouds my judgement and doesn't really give me space to have my own thoughts about it.

But on a brighter note, there are many other comments that are supportive and loving which of course, I adore. Comments have also taught me how to criticize but not to the point of being mean about it. It's always good to find a balance.


Superwoman & Superman.

Today is a special day because it's my mother's birthday! We never really celebrate my parents' birthday because they always tell us it's not a big deal and as I grow older, I get what they mean but I also learn how much we have to treasure our time with them. I know it's my mother's birthday but I wanted to take this time to talk about both my parents. I love them so much. And as I get to spend more time with them, I ask them questions about their life and what they've done for us. It has made me really appreciate my parents even more than before. My parents never boast about what they've done for us which is very admirable. During my internship, I learned how great my mom is because some of my colleagues actually know her through her reputation. My mom has done so many great things and she never once boasted about it to her children when she could easily have done so. I asked her one night, "Why don't you show off your success?" and she told me she didn't feel like she had to.

As a kid, teenager and now a young adult, I've always liked attention. I'm not naive and ignorant so I know when I've gone overboard and trust me, I have. Sometimes, it's really shameless and embarrassing that I just tell myself to stop and think about what I'm doing. I look up to my parents and not just how much they've done for us but also, their qualities as a human being. I don't want to have this urge to show off or seek attention. It's a pretty common thing in my generation and I can't deny that. With all these social media websites/apps, it's so easy to want to seek attention from strangers or friends. You always find this need to satisfy people just to get more "likes". & don't be fooled, what I'm saying is true. I know people who plan out when to upload their Instagram photos to get more "likes" and at first, I thought it was ridiculous but soon I got sucked into it as well. Now, I don't care when or what I post. I'm not saying that people who do this are wrong because their photos are truly amazing and maybe it is a smart thing to do because more people will get to see your photo during a certain hour and you're just taking advantage of that.

Continuing with my topic, so why superwoman and superman? Because those words really describe my parents. I'm a pretty emotional person and whenever I find out what they've done for us secretly, I always get teary eyed. I don't know how they manage to love us so much but I'm so grateful that they do. I've seen so many of my friends parents getting divorce and leaving their children and I can never imagine being in that position. All the hardships they had to go through for us and all the things they couldn't have because they had to raise us is just a small part of what they had to endure in their life. I will be forever be grateful to them. I'm sure most people feel this way about their parents :). It's hard to express how much I love them because it's unexplainable. I'm just glad I got to live this life with them.

Ahh on a less emotional note, I baked cookies today! Perfecting my chewy chocolate chips & cornflakes cookies! I'm pretty proud of them~


Hello, again?

Wow. It's been a month since my last post. I swear I've been meaning to write but I just never got to it (what's new?). Well I've finally finished my internship. It was such a sweet ride. I'm so grateful I got the opportunity to sit beside these talented people and caught a glimpse of their train of thought.

It's finally the last month of my summer break and I gotta enjoy every inch of it before I go back to Melbourne at the end of the month (back to uni woohoo). This summer break, I challenged myself to bake every weekend and to not eat rice during dinner. So far, it has been going well! I'm even quite surprised I've lasted this long but proud nonetheless! I'm thinking about challenging myself some more (as always! My friend actually pointed out to me that I like to challenge myself. Took it as a compliment, of course ;)). I've been thinking about creating a Youtube channel. I just want to commit myself for a year (at least) and see how it goes from there. The theme of the channel would be me challenging myself. Not on a daily basis but whenever I can. I'm still thinking about it because I'm afraid I lack the dexterity and discipline but I think it'll be pretty fun, eh? :) My best friend is actually starting her own Youtube channel soon and I know she will be amazing in it. She has all the qualities of a star! Super stoked for her! As of now, I won't promote anything because I'm trying to keep this blog on a down low. It's not that hard, I mean who searches for blogs nowadays anyway? People normally click on links when you promote your stuff.

Anyway, I'm going to be blogging more often now! Well, until university starts anyway.

Really random but that's what this blog is about.. these are the songs I've been hooked to recently:

  1. Freak - Steve Aoki, Diplo, & Deorro (ft. Steve Bays)
  2. Mark Ronson - Uptown Funk (Audio) ft. Bruno Mars